Measuring Consciousness: The Next Frontier in Human Understanding

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Experiment no.7:
Can we create balance and peace, 
within ourselves and The Field?

For the first time ever, to examine the effect of Kryon’s message

Watch the replay of the event:

Watch the  Results Revelation Event  below...

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Number of participants:
6673 pre-registered participants from dozens of countries, and possibly additional unregistered participants.

Declaration of Intent:
In this first ever live mass experiment, the effect of a message from another dimension will be measured on human beings and on the field.  It is an opportunity to participate in a profound live experiment where we will measure the effect of Kryon’s message, which comes from the world beyond, and the effect on those tuning in!

Lee Carroll

The event will be hosted by Lee Carroll, whose journey throughout Israel was documented in "The 1 Field". 
During the Kryon Israel Tour there was an unforgettable moment where an incredible field of coherence was measured right at the onset of the Kryon channel
Specifically, a REG (Random Event Generator) was placed at the front of the stage at the Habima Theatre during the Kryon Conference. 

The measuring device demonstrated the formation of a unified energy field of the 900 people in the audience right at the onset of channeling. 

Imagine what we can do for the planet together on September 21? Interested? We sure hope so.

Now, for the first time ever, Lee Carroll will channel and bring Kryon’s message to thousands of people who will connect online and together they will attempt to create balance and peace within themselves and the cells in their bodies, and balance and peace in the field.

Monika Muranyi

The actual live experiment will be facilitated by Monika Muranyi in a brief meditation before the Kryon channel begins, so that the participants will be focused on actively listening and participating in Kryon’s message during the experiment.

The broadcast will be hosted from Medical Care Integrative Hospital in Israel, a center for physical and mental healing that combines diverse methods from the field of integrative medicine and is adapted to cancer patients and other autoimmune diseases who want to return to a balanced, happy, and healthy life. 
Just recently the findings of a study came in that were phenomenal.

Prof. Konstantin Korotkov

Professor Konstantin Korotkov will honor us with his presence. 
Professor Korotkov also featured in "The 1 Field" and is a brilliant Professor of Computer Science and Biophysics. 

With 30 years of research, 200 published papers, and 17 patents for inventions in the biophysics field, he is considered one of the top experts on new medical technologies. Notably, he has created a scientific line called Electrophotonics which permits a specialist to view human energy fields, facilitating the diagnosis of bodily imbalances and dysfunctions.

The Measurements:

We will "measure" this experiment with various tools that show gauges from different disciplines of science and we will want to examine if there will be a correlation between the many devices and what it might mean.

Prof. Konstantin Korotkov

Professor Konstantin Korotkov:

Prof. Korotkov will measure our volunteers. This time we decided to examine the effect of meditation and channeling on the treatment providers at Medical Care, not the patients. Between 10-12 volunteered to take part in the experiment. Prof. Korotkov will use two devices that he developed:

Bio Well – With the Bio Well he will examine the energy field, the emotional state, the balance of chakras and their location in the body, the emotional stress, before and after the experiment – has there been a change? If so, in what way?

Sputnik – Prof. Korotkov will use two Sputnik devices that he will situate in two locations in Medical Care. We will also have Sputniks in other places in the world; in Dubai, several Sputniks in Spain, and perhaps in other countries as well. The Sputniks will provide data that will examine the changes in the "Field", if any, by examining electromagnetic, geomagnetic radiation, quantity and dispersion of the photons, the quantity of positive and negative ions and the interaction between them and level of radioactivity. In other words: Will the collective consciousness of thousands of participants worldwide aimed at creating peace impact the "Field"?

Dr. Krishna Madappa 

Dr. Krishna Madappa

A mechanical engineer, in the field of thermodynamics and quantum mechanics Krishna was motivated to explore the realms of bio-energy sciences. He forayed into researching the non-linear aspects of water for three decades.

He studied the reverence placed on water in every culture – from the Vedas to the native Americans, to the Bedouin tribes to understand their practices to shield water from the negative life forces. He found answers at the cusp of science and spirituality.

Krishna will be in Taos, Mexico and he will measure the impact of the collective consciousness on a drop of water with the Bio Well, as he did in some of our experiments in the past.

John Stuart Reid 

John Stuart Reid

John Stuart Reid – Will examine with the CymaScope the image obtained when dipping water in a sound produced from the words that will be uttered by Lee Carroll before and during the channeling. We'll be able to see how the energy at the time of speech creates different shapes in the water.

Dr. Mohamed Rifas

Dr. Mohamed Rifas

Dr. Mohamed Rifas, a qualified professional Ayurvedic Physician. Completed graduation from Vish. For 15 years he works in healing with Ayurveda herbs, therapies, and lifestyle changes at Holistic Healing Medical Centre - in Dubai. Dr. Rifas will measure with the Sputnik in Dubai.

Dr. Hagai Folkman 

Dr. Hagai Folkman 

Dr. Hagai Folkman – Physicist, computer engineer and Doctor of Philosophy, chairman of the Israeli Institute Science and Consciousness, will examine with the Life Expert Bioresonance device (used in frequency medicine to diagnose the balance in the body's limbs), the effect of the meditation and channeling, if any, on the body. Dr. Folkman will also monitor other volunteers who will participate in the experiment from their homes (they will watch the broadcast on Facebook) and they too will use the frequency device.

Dr. Anat Barnea and Shelly Yungman

Dr. Anat Barnea is a neurophysiologist, a researcher and teacher in the field of electrical brain activity for more than 35 years, owner of Biokshev center for Neurofeedback method. Together with her partner Shelly Yungman, who has a Master degree in psychology and education, they will measure the EEG of two volunteers throughout the evening.

Michal Shraga 

Michal Shraga 

Michal Shraga – VP Integrative Healing at Medical Care will examine with the Inner Balance device, developed by the Heartmath Institute, the degree of coherence, the change of the heart rhythm (HRV) of the volunteers before and after the experiment. Was there a change? If so, what does the change mean?

The facilitators:

Michal Milgrom Mor

Michal Milgrom Mor – Change from Growth.
Developed the MetaFeelings method – awareness of a new reality.
Mentor, facilitator, medium, consciousness researcher and teacher.

Dan Lustig

Dan Lustig is a self-healing specialist. He trains therapists in Meta Health. And he is the official representative of the International Meta Health association in Israel.


REG – Random Number Generator – a development by the Global Consciousness Project – During the evening The REG will gather data with which we can gauge if the collective consciousness of the people present at Medical Care deviated from the normal scope and to what extent. Will the word "Field" appear on the computer screen creating a chart of the gathered data?

Lee Carroll and Monika Muranyi
The Invitation

Lee Carroll 
Fear can scare people…

Lee Carroll 
Can I sit in my studio in California….

 Results Revelation Event 

Lee Carroll and Monika Muranyi 
What is "The Field"?

Lee Carroll and Monika Muranyi 
The Experiment

Photos from the event

Preparation of the setup:

The setup in Mexico + Dubai:

Measurements with Bio – Well:

The Sputnik:

Measurements with EEG:

Measurements with Inner Balance device:

Measurements with Expert Bioresonance device:

The event:

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